Nan used 2 bug me 2 eat all the time i cud get up in the mornings an within an hour she'd b sayin what u gonna ave for dinner an tea?? i used 2 go mad cause id just got up and dinner and tea was the last thing on my mind... but one nite she moaned so much cause i had'nt had tea so i agreed 2 let her buy me franco's. so on the phone she went 2 order me food... so she aked for gravy and chips and i wanted a drink to so she only goes and asks for A DIET CAN OF COKE!!! i was weak laughing an then she realised what she'd said an she was laughing so much she even had franco's in hysterics... she could'nt stop laughing so she had 2 say thanks and put the phone down!! for days and days she laughted at that an every time she went over the shop on her scooter 2 get me a drink id say ill ave a diet can of coke nan an she'd laugh again.